Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March - Gem of the month - Aquamarine

Properties & Qualities
Transparent light blue to sea-green in color - the more intense the color of the gemstone, the more its value. A member of the Beryl family with Emeralds and Morganite. Legend says that aquamarine comes from the treasure chests of mermaid's - and because of this became the lucky stone for sailors. 

The word aquamarine comes from the latin words for water (aqua) and sea (mare). Found in India, Brazil, Madagascar, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.

Aquamarine Gemstone Meanings - Emotional, Spiritual, etc.
  • Aquamarine protects against gossip. 
  • Aquamarine helps pick up your spirits. 
  • Aquamarine is a good meditation gemstone - most powerful when used in this way, because it brings greater peace and serenity - for deep meditations. 
  • Aquamarine is said to have protective powers for those at sea. 
  • Aquamarine helps you get in touch with with your spiritual being. 
  • Aquamarine is said to give insight and foresight. 
  • Aquamarine gives the wearer feelings of friendship, harmony and trust. 
  • Aquamarine is used in very advanced meditation to help see the truth. 
  • Aquamarine is meant to help quicken the intellect. 
  • Aquamarine is believed to help couples to sort out differences. 
  • Aquamarine is often used as a good luck gemstone. 

Aquamarine Gemstone Meanings - Healing, Medical, Physical, etc.

  • Aquamarine is used in very advanced meditation to help 
  • see the truth. 
  • Aquamarine helps with nerve pain. 
  • Aquamarine helps with teeth and toothache. 
  • Aquamarine is said to cure insomnia. 
  • Aquamarine helps with seasickness. 
  • Aquamarine is associated with the thymus gland. 
  • Aquamarine helps reduce fluid retention. 
  • Aquamarine is meant to help with laziness. 
  • Aquamarine is said to help aid digestion 
  • Aquamarine was used by the Romans for disease of the stomach, and believed could cure liver and throat troubles. 
  • Aquamarine is said to help reduce dependence on drugs.

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