Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Necklace Up For Auction

The necklace that has caused Linday Lohan so much grief is making headlines again. This time for a good reason. Kind of.

Lindsay is facing a felony grand theft charge and possible prison sentence if she is found guilty of having stolent the gold and diamond decklace, worth $2,500, from Venice Beach boutique Kamofie & Company.

Now, shop owners have decided to find the necklace a new home courtesy of a charity auction. 
"We have decided to sell the diamond necklace through auction, and give the proceeds to charity. We invite the public to make suggestions as to the most appropriate charity to receive the benefit of the sale's proceeds."

But that will have to wait until this whole matter of grand theft is cleared up since the necklace is currently beinig cared for by the Los Angeles County District Attorney as evidence in the case against Lohan.

The news of the charity auction comes just days after the actress threatened to sue the store bosses for allegedly striking a $40,000  deal to release CCTV tapes which show Lohan trying the necklace on.

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