Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November Birthstone: Topaz

Topaz is one of the most imitated and misrepresented birthstones.  Although the name comes from the island of Topazios and its noble history began over 6000 years ago, most of what our ancestors called Topaz was actually citrine quartz.  Citrine is a beautiful gemstone and is available in a variety of hues from lemon to smoky.  But the centuries of misrepresentation resulted in dubbing rare, peachy to pink Topaz as Precious or Imperial Topaz. Precious Topaz is very durable rating 8 on the Mohs scale.  Today, most Topaz is mined near Ouro Preto in Brazil.
Blue Topaz is another very popular color of Topaz that often imitates the December birthstone, Blue Zircon.  There are a wide variety of treated Topaz gems available today in a rainbow of colors.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a very nice diamond, really very beautiful color and shape.
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